Baseball | Golf | Fencing
Precision Skills
Concentration • Coordination • Power • Fine Motor Skills
Choosing the right carbohydrates to provide energy while keeping blood sugar steady
Nutrition to prevent “bonking out” during events and increase energy
Fueling and hydration needs during longer events
Nutrient timing for optimal body composition/Weight management
Recovery foods/Best foods for traveling or longer events: packable foods as fun
Football | Hockey | Basketball | Tennis | Soccer
Stop & Go
Stamina • Agility • Speed
Meeting demands of high calorie needs
Fueling prior to and during games to ensure adequate energy
Individualized hydration plans
Enhance recovery from high intensity bursts of activity
Fueling through tournaments or two-a-days
Half time nutrition plans
Concussive injury and stress fracture prevention/treatment
Prevention of overtraining syndrome
Sprinting | Swimming | Jumping | Rowing | Lifting
High Intensity
Speed • Power
Fueling & recovery for multiple same day events
Energy balance for weight management
Nutrition for optimal body composition to increase speed, power, and support recovery
Nutrient timing (pre/during/post events)
Adequate energy intake to support vigorous training workouts
Individualized hydration plans
Distance Running | Swimming | Cycling | Marathons | Triathlons
Stamina • Continuous Speed
Fueling & recovery for multiple same day events
Energy balance for weight management
Nutrition for optimal body composition to increase speed, power, and support recovery
Nutrient timing (pre/during/post events)
Adequate energy intake to support vigorous training workouts
Individualized hydration plans